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Dropshipping agent 2022 AI object 360 Rotation Auto Face Tracking selfie stick portable mobile phone smart tripod live stand
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Dropshipping agent 2022 AI object 360 Rotation Auto Face Tracking selfie stick portable mobile phone smart tripod live stand

SKU: 62228124583
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Product Details

Products Description
Product name
AI Body Detection Tracking Phone Stand
Identify ways
Body Detection
Identify angle
Optimum Shooting Angle
Tracking Velocity
Maximum Speed≧4m/s
Rotation Angle
Clip Rotation Angle
X : 360° / Y : 315°
Overall Length(inch)
Place Distance
Tracking Ways
Whole Body/Half Body
Battery Capacity
Rated Power
Working Voltage 3.6V-4.2V,Charging Voltage 5V1A
Battery Life
Operating Humidity
95% RH
Operating Temperature
Stepping Motor
Rotation Speed
42° / sec.
Charging Port
View Angle
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Dropshipping agent 2022 AI object 360 Rotation Auto Face Tracking selfie stick portable mobile phone smart tripod live stand

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